YU-NYING-25 Precious Old Turquoise-25


Five pills for $58 | Ten pills for $108

Tradition and historical use: Full Description Here.

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The botanicals in this formula are known to address Lhung disorders and works as an antidote to toxins stored in the body and beneficial in relieving and overcoming liver ailments with symptoms of enlargement of liver, liver pain, weak digestion, weight loss, pressure on the upper part of the body, thirst, stiffness of neck, headache, nose bleeding, dysentery or constipation, blood shot eyes, pain under the armpits, and loss of appetite. It is particularly useful against problems caused by over consumption of alcohol and various kinds of poisoning that the body has difficulty collecting and eliminating.

This precious pill consists of 25 ingredients. It is prepared mainly from old turquoise, coral and pearls, which are purified of their toxic contents. Other constituents include purified Asphaltum, Crocus sativus Linn, the three myrobalans, two types of sandalwood, Eugenia caryophyllata (thumb), Saxicus marg and Adhatoda vasica.

Directions: Soak the pill for ten minutes in a clean cup with about (4oz) of hot boiled water. Then crush and stir the content and drink the whole mixture and follow with more warm water.

Tradition and historical use: One pill every 7 to 14 days or as directed by your holistic practitioner.

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Five pills for $58, Ten pills for $108