Tibetan Pharmacy | Botanical Tinctured Infusions
Showing 1–9 of 15 results
Turquoise Dragon – A Broad Spectrum Anti-biotic
Push for DescriptionThe action of the combined botanicals and terpenes in the Turquoise Dragon infusion far exceeds that of only combating infections both viral and bacterial.
White Tiger – Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Reducing
Push for DescriptionWhite Tiger was created to secure advanced support for multiple arthritic-related disorders and diseases.
White Elephant NeuroRegenerative Nootropic
Push for DescriptionThe signs and symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases were first recognized in formulas created and written within the Tibetan medical Tantra’s of the Gyud Zhi, The Blue Beryl (Blue Sapphire) treatises, from the Chinese traditions of Huangdi Neijing (Internal medicine), and Ben Cao Gang Mu (Compendium of Materia Medica).
Blue Lotus Peacock Botanical Immunotherapy
Push for DescriptionBlue Lotus Peacock addresses the underlying foundations supporting cancerous growth in any area of the body.
Golden Eagle – A Restorative Formula for Lungs
Push for DescriptionAddressing the complexities of imbalances that affect the lungs requires insight and experience to create a formula to be effective in transforming simple and complex disorders affecting the lungs and their peripheral support systems.
RoseGold Diamond Shilajit | Longevity Nootropic
Push for DescriptionSkillfully crafted RoseGold Diamond Shilajit is infused with Powerhouse Adaptogens enhanced with minerals and life-supporting terpenes to create the highest possible vibratory expression of this Ancient Longevity Formula.
Focus S.E.T.I. Support’s Focus and Clarity of Mind
Push for DescriptionFocus helps the mind focus and not get distracted, it supports the stability of “mind focus” when transitioning from one thought to the next or one task to the next and for being more productive.
Balance S.E.T.I. Supports Hormonal Balance & Homeostasis
Push for DescriptionAlong with strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, BALANCE promotes homeostasis and harmony within the body systems.
Detox S.E.T.I. Addiction Recovery, Cleansing Suppor
Push for DescriptionDetox is a special formulation to assist the body stay clean and efficient in the removal of unneeded chemicals.